We’re involved. We’re listening. Together with our grant partners, we are making a difference.
Community Based Organisations
The GBVF Response Fund believes in funding the change we want to see in society. The Fund issued a Call for Proposals from community-based organisations that are committed to taking action against gender-based violence. We have awarded grants to 65 organisations in order to support efforts that will have a lasting impact across the country.
Name |
Akasosha Men’s Forum |
Amangwe Village |
Ambassadors for Change |
Angels of Tomorrow |
Azali Health Care |
Batho Ba Lerato Advice Center (BBLAC) |
Bathopele NGO |
Bet Sheekoom – House of Restoration Bethlehem Child and Family Welfare |
Bloodriver Advice Office |
Bohlabela Resource and Advice Centre |
Broadway Legacy Foundation |
Callas Foundation |
Cederberg Matzikama Aids Network |
Child Welfare Bloemfontein/Childline Free State |
Childline Gauteng |
Children of the Dawn |
Christelik-Maatskaplike Raad (CMR) Drakensberg |
Christelik-Maatskaplike Raad (CMR) Uitenhage |
Cincinantia Resoketswe Lebjane |
Coastal Resource Centre |
Community Keepers |
Connect Christian Network |
Connect Network |
Copessa NPC |
Cross Connect Community Outreach |
Curios Future Movement |
Diski Nine9 Africa |
Dzekula Development Organisation |
Ebenezer Multipurpose Integrated Social Service Centre |
Emuhle All Artists |
Estcourt Support and Resource Centre |
Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust Ethembeni Community Centre |
Ethembeni community Center |
Father A Nation SA NPC |
Fight With Insight |
FWC Welfare and Development Centre |
Ga-Mokaba Reading Room |
Goldfields Family Advice Organization |
Good Samaritan Organisation |
Grassroot Soccer (GRS) South Africa |
Grinders Arisen |
GRIP Greater Rape Intervention Programme |
Gugu Dlamini Foundation |
Health Opportunity Partnership and Empowerment in Africa NPC |
Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust (HACT) |
I Protect Me |
Ikhwezi Woman Support Center |
Ilitha Labantu |
Incema |
Institute for Women’s Development (Nisaa) |
Iris House Children’s Hospice (IHCH) |
Isibani Law and Therapy Centre |
Isizinda Sempilo Organisation |
iThembalethu Outreach Project (IOP) |
Jelly Beans Foundation |
Jersey Farm Advice and Information Centre |
Justice and Women (JAW) |
Khula Youth Empowerment Organisation |
Kids Haven |
Kingshope Development Foundation |
Kitso-Ke-Lesedi Social Development Programme |
Kuhluka Movement NPC |
KwaMashu Child Welfare |
Kwazulu Natal Deaf Association (KZNDA) |
Lawyers Against Abuse (LvA) |
Lefika la phodiso |
Legal Centre for Gender Based Violence Abuse Association (trading name: Lawyers against Abuse (LvA)) |
Life Line Durban |
Lifeline Free State |
Lifeline Mafikeng |
Lifeline Nelspruit |
LifeLine Northern Cape – NPO |
LifeLine Rustenburg |
LifeLine West Rand |
Litshani Vhana-Vha-de Foundation (LVVF) |
Lorraine Khoza Foundation (LKF) |
Lungelo Woman’s Organisation |
Mankweng Community Law Advice Office |
Masibumbane Development Organisation |
Masithethe Counselling Services |
Matla A Bana Trust |
Matlala Advice Office |
Mikhulu Child Development Trust |
Molo Mhlaba NPC |
MOSAIC Training Services and Healing Centre |
Mpumalanga Shelter Movement |
Mqanduli community advice centre |
Namakwa Ontwikkeling |
New World Foundation |
NICRO NPC (Association Incorporate under Section 21) – Eastern Cape |
Nomaxabiso Victim Support Centre |
On Eagle’s Wing Multi-Purpose Centre |
Opret Advice Office |
Phela Safe House |
Port St Johns Community Legal Advice Centre |
Port St Johns Survivor Support Group |
Potter’s House |
Qholaqhwe Advice Centre |
Rape Crises Cape Town Trust |
Rekopane Drop in Centre |
Remmogo Itireleng Victim Empowerment Project |
Restoration of Hope – Trulife |
Restorative Justice Centre |
Rise Up Against Gender Based Violence |
Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women & Children |
Salt Lake Residents Action Group |
Second Chance Group |
Selina-Jo Family Service Organisation |
Senwabarwana Victim Support Centre |
SILA Foundation |
Sinqobile CBO |
Siyabonga – Huis van Danksegging |
Siyakholwa Support Care Centre |
Siyazana Youth Development Fund |
Social Change Assistance Trust |
Social Health & Empowerment (SHE) |
Social Justice Foundation NPC |
Sonke Gender Justice |
Soul City Institute NPC |
South Coast Hospice |
Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children |
The Edmund Rice Justice Desk (The Justice Desk) |
The Family Life Centre-FAMSA JHB |
The Great People of South Africa |
The Pebbles Project Trust |
The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children |
Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Programme |
Tholwana E Molemo |
Thusanang Trauma Centre |
Thuthukisa Abantulayo Community Development Organisation |
Tshwane Leadership Foundation |
Tshwane University of Technology |
TVEP – Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Programme |
Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust |
Umtata Women’s Support Centre |
Usizo Community Development Projects |
Where Rainbows Meet Training and Development Foundation |
Witkoppen Health and Welfare Centre (trading as Witkoppen Clinic) |
Zaselangeni HIV And Aids Prevention And Victim Project |
Intermediary Partners
Our partnerships with intermediary organisations are focused on leveraging their reach and capability. Through these partnerships, we’re building expertise to fund community-based organisations that are focused on GBVF and that currently don’t have the means to apply for direct funding. Our aim is that through this funding we can accelerate the impact of these Community Based Organisations (CBO’s).
Mikhulu Trust
Mikhulu Trust
Mikhulu Trust is an NGO that implements academic researched programmes on Early Childhood Development, with the main innovative programme called ‘dialogic book-sharing’. By empowering facilitators that work in their partner organisations, the Mikhulu Trust ensures that parents and caregivers – regardless of their education levels – are using easy evidence-based techniques to interact with their infants.
Sonke Gender Justice
Sonke Gender Justice
Sonke is a South African-based non-profit organisation working throughout Africa. We believe women and men, girls and boys can work together to resist patriarchy, advocate for gender justice and achieve gender transformation. They do this through communications and media advocacy, community education and mobilisation, policy development and advocacy, regional programmes and networks, research monitoring and evaluation, social and structural drivers.
Soul City Institute for Social Justice
Soul City Institute for Social Justice
The Soul City Institute for Social Justice’s (SCI) vision is for a just society in which young women and girls and the communities they live in have the health and wellbeing to grow, flourish, and reach their full potential. The SCI has developed a social change model that combines prime time popular mass media and social media with social mobilisation and policy advocacy to create an enabling environment for individual and collective approaches to realising constitutionally guaranteed rights. Its aim is to contribute to the goals of a peaceful society premised on the principles of equality, constitutionalism and the rule of law. SCI programmes seek to build social cohesion, individual and collective agency, and resilience to achieve substantive gender equality, including in areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and the eradication of Gender Based Violence (GBV) within a culture of human rights.
Social Change Assistance Trust (SCAT)
Social Change Assistance Trust (SCAT)
SCAT is a veteran human rights and social justice, philanthropy (re-granting) organisation which has been in existence for 35 years. It has pioneered and developed a model of development that has been acknowledged as both empowering and sustainable with tangible impact at the local level. SCAT provides financial support, fieldwork and capacity building to organisations who are located mostly in rural communities in the provinces of the Western, Northern, Eastern Cape and Free State. They categorise our partners according to their developmental stages ie emerging, developing and established and it is on this basis that we determine the level of support required.