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GBVF Newsletter – Issue 01
Welcome to the Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Response Fund’s Newsletter. Together, let’s stay informed, engaged, and committed to creating a world free from violence and inequality.
Avis Southern Africa donates vehicles to Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Response Fund
Zeda Ltd/Avis Southern Africa donates vehicles to Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Response Fund.
Job Opportunity – Programmes Coordinator
The Programmes Coordinator will lead coordination of various programmes as well as grants management processes including performance monitoring of grant management partners.
Job Opportunity – MERL Officer
The Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Officer will lead development of the MERL framework that will provide accountability on outcomes achieved and impact.
GBVF Response Fund releases 2022 – 2023 Annual Report
GBVF Response Fund releases their ntegrated Annual Report for 2022 - 2023
Internship Opportunity – Advocacy and Communication
The role will have exposure to gender-based violence and femicide programmes, grants management, advocacy and campaigning.
Request for Proposals for Community Based Organisation
The GBVF Response Fund is extending an invitation to eligible community based organizations (CBOs) actively involved in the implementation of initiatives that are aligned to the GBVF NSP.
Request for Proposals for Grant Management Partners
The GBVF Response Fund is extending an invitation eligible organizations capable of taking on the role of GMPs.