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Minerals Council partners with NPA on GBVF
The government’s latest crime statistics show double-digit percentage increases in murders, attempted murders and grievous bodily harm assaults against women between July and September this year compared to the same

Back-to-school is not always cool when it comes to GBVF
Back-to-school is not always cool when it comes to GBVF Published 21h ago Written by Chulumanco Mahamba Share Johannesburg - The yearly back-to-school period is generally a time of great

Bridging the gap in a failing system
Lawyers Against Abuse is a non-profit organization that prioritizes legal and psychosocial support for victims of gender-based violence and femicide. The organization exists to fill the gaps in systems plagued

Let’s build ‘positive peace’ to erase our legacy of violence
Let's build 'positive peace' to erase our legacy of violence JUDY DLAMINI Our violent past, horizontal inequalities and compromised human dignity are at the root of our violent nation and, ultimately, genderbased

No data on women with disabilities
The GBVF Response Fund says the South African data on GBV against women with disabilities does not exist, which suggests higher risks for these women. Tshepo Sefotlhelo from GBVF Response Fund explains. Int: Tshepo Sefotlhelo : GBVF Response Fund :

Men, accept that it’s only you who can end GBV
South Africans must form partnerships between men and women in all sectors if we are to beat GBV like we beat apartheid

Abuse of women – Minerals Council of SA
A partnership to tackle gender-based violence in mining and labour has been forged between the Minerals Council, the GBVF Response Fund and the NPA. Dr Thuthula Balfour of the Minerals

Breaking the silence brings hope to abused in the rural Eastern Cape
Breaking the silence brings hope to abused in the rural Eastern Cape Mention genderbased violence GBV and images of physical abuse immediately come to mind. What is rarely considered is