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Tshepo Sefotlhelo from the GBVF Response Fund on the subject toxic masculinity
Listen to an Interview with Tshepo Sefotlhelo from the GBVF Response Fund discussing engage on the subject toxic masculinity.

‘Boys will be boys’ saying encourages violence, GBV
'Boys will be boys' saying encourages violence, GBV

GBVF Response Fund operations and the funding criteria to intermediary partners
Watch Tshepo Sefothlelo as he shares about the GBVF Response Fund operations and the funding criteria to intermediary partners and their vast networks to expedite urgent action in curbing GBVF

Lindi Dlamini discusses why ending/fighting/eliminating violence in the workplace must become a global priority
Listen to Lindi Dlamini discuss why violence in the workplace must become a global priority as well as violation of rights of women in the corporate setting.

Listen to Lindi Dlamini as she discusses violence in the workplace
Listen to Lindi Dlamini as she discusses violence in the workplace and why ending this abuse must become a global priority.

Time to roll up our collective sleeves to fight GBVF in the workplace
Time to roll up our collective sleeves to fight GBVF in the workplace

No ‘free’ in freedom for survivors of gender-based violence
No 'free' in freedom for survivors of gender-based violence

Ending violence in the workplace must become a global priority
The Fund’s CEO shares her thoughts around the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 190 regarding laws and policy measures needed to prevent violence and harassment in workplaces.